
For those interested in simply viewing a portfolio of my work it is now located on the home page; http://www.sbalaniphotography.com

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sbalaniphotography.com Needs your help!- Sbalaniphotography.com Nescesita tu ayuda!

Hey Gang! I'm back! I must firstly beg for forgiveness (nothing new here) in the delay of the Images from the Salon de Comic of Benalmadena but I have a legitimate excuse! After the show I was incessatly preparing to leave the country and head over to the Phillipines (where I am no located and working) only to arrive to find myself with an internet so meagerly horrifying dial up seemed like a cheetah on speed (it was a "dsl" connection capped at 40 kbps but functioning at 5kbps). however after some incessant rewiring yesterday I was able to optimise the connection to its 40kb cap, and have filed through for an upgrade  :D. However during the night I did manage to upload the Images from the recent Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk which occurred on Saturday, and now I need your help! I have selected the best of the Images taken on the day and uploaded them to my flickr, however! I can only submit two to the SC Photowalk page, and I need your help to pick which two you my avid readers feel are your fave's. SO If you ever had to leave a comment, or mark upon my images or site to prove that you actually visit it and appreciate my photography, it would be for this post! 

The two images with the most comments, posts and fave selections will be the ones I submit to the site, so get commenting and fave-ing :D (and of course this is much appreciated!)

Sample images at the bottom
to view the full set of images click here

Tengo que pedir disculpas por el atraso de las fotos del salon, ya que desde el finde pasado, he estado preparandome para irme de viaje, y desde que he llegado en las Filipinas me he quedado practicamente sin internet (bueno he tenido pero a velocidades de 5kbps que practicamente significa zero). Desde entonces he atendido el photowalk mundial de Scott Kelby, donde grupos de fotografos por todo el mundo se reunieron este sabado pasado para ir de paseo a sacar fotos! Ahora lo interesante es que las mejores fotos entregadas a la web del señor Kelby seran partidiario a mogollonadas de premios! Con el gran premio teniendo un valor aproximado en 12 mil dolares en equipo fotografico! Ahora se que la competicion es dura (mas de 35 mil fotografos mundiales) por ese premio, pero no hay que perder confianza en que tenga la posibilidad de ganar! (ademas del primer premio hay otros diez premios secundarios que tampoco me importarian  :D). Asi que nescesito vuestra ayuda en elegir las fotos para entregar a la web! Las fotos ahora estan en Flickr que se podra acceder de esta pagina web! Y os pido que os paseis y eligir vuestras fotos favoritas o por haciendolas como favoritoss o dejando un comentario aki en el blog o ahi mismo en la zona d comentarios de la foto, y las dos fotos que tengan el mayor numero de votos o commentarios seran los que subire! asi que os ruego si disfrutais de mi fotografia y os gustaria ver me mejorar comentad y votar! 

Votos cierran el viernes, y las fotos las entrego el sabado Gracias a todos!!! :D

Ver todas las fotos pujar aqui

Manila SC Photowalk-2
Manila SC Photowalk-8
Manila SC Photowalk-11
Manila SC Photowalk-15
Manila SC Photowalk-17
Manila SC Photowalk-32


Unknown said...

Venga tio, voy a votar ^^
Eres un puto crack, ojala ganes tio, mucha suerte y un abrazo!

Hitesh Sawlani said...

Hmm reminds me I should upload my own submissions :)

I'll leave a comment on the ones I like most from yours.