
For those interested in simply viewing a portfolio of my work it is now located on the home page; http://www.sbalaniphotography.com

Thursday, December 10, 2009

More Japan

Hey Guys, so these Images have been WELL overdue, I'm tempted to just dump them all on Flickr right now, but they are amongst the best I've shot all year and it would seem a pity for some of them to just get lost or never seen simply because of an overload dump, so I'm going to try to do 30 a day or so. I'm very close to having uploaded all my remaining archived Images for 2009, hopefully in time for years end, they will all be up, as for 2010, I'm looking to start a new page in my life as a photographer. I'm hoping by then I will have completed my Wordpress jump. Aditionally I'm hoping to close my current Lightroom catalog in hopes of opening a new one, as the current one holds 3 years of Images and is beggining to slow down, considerably. Anywho, here are some of the Japan Images from the latest batch, as usual you can see the whole set here.


Japan 2009-17
Japan 2009-5
Japan 2009-23
Japan 2009-24
Japan 2009-2
Japan 2009-20
Japan 2009-15
Japan 2009-12


YuRi said...

Diosss que envidia te tengooo XDDDD

Anonymous said...
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Sbalani said...

@ YuRi Pues vente paka! :D que tal todo en el norte???