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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Day in Japan

And so my next post is on one approaching the final days of my trip in Japan :(, which brings a sad, sad glimmer into my heart as I am inmensely enjoying it here, particularly taking in as much as possible of the culture and heritage. But alas a week is not enough time to spend in Tokyo, let alone half the country, but we've maxed out our days, chased Geiko in the rain, chased by hungry deer, (and probably blinded a few with some strobes), broken backs, shoulders and necks with top heavy camera gear, and just been annoying tourists, all in all an extremely worthwhile trip. As mentioned in the previous post I got a chance to visit the Tokyo Fish market and Tokyo tower of which I have managed to find time to process some images between bus naps and taking the wrong trains in between shoots, so here they are for you all to enjoy! :D

Comments, criticisism's and Wow's are much appreciated :D

Tokyo Fish Market 2

Tokyo Fish market

Fish that mean buisness

Tokyo Tower

Buisness with the fish

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