
For those interested in simply viewing a portfolio of my work it is now located on the home page; http://www.sbalaniphotography.com

Thursday, May 13, 2010

More Hong Kong

So here is a continuation of my series of Images from Hong Kong. I do apologise for last weeks dissapearance due to technical dificulties (aka rats arsed internet connection), so without further ado...

Thus my time in HK approached a quick and unwitted end, and much to my dissapointment my camera had spent far too little time sitting around unused. I was determined not to leave the city without getting a few pictures! So on the morning of my departure I strapped myself to the roof of a moving vehicle (actually  I just popped my head over the sunroof, and shot like a madman. Of course I made some stops too, as fortunately y flight wasnt till later that evening. And so here are my results after a frantic run-around HK.

A lot of the pictures are some I wanted to do at night, but due to time restraints I was unable too....but Deff somehting I plan to fix on my previous trip.

I also realised I've been getting VERY sloppy lately with my post-processing, resulting in minimal if not nil  image adjustment resulting in my images not being all they could be. So although it will slow down my uploads, I have decided to take a step back and get back to properly post processing my images. Well thats enough rambling from me! Enjoy!

Hong Kong View 4

towers in the distance

Hong Kong View 2

Hong Kong View


As you can see a lot of these were taken up high, where my aunt and uncle live giving me awesome views of the city. My next trip over these will be night shots as the city really lights up at night!

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