
For those interested in simply viewing a portfolio of my work it is now located on the home page; http://www.sbalaniphotography.com

Thursday, May 20, 2010

DPS Weekend Challenge

So, I've decided I'm going to try to do the Digital Photography School weekend challenges, since obviously doing a 365 project is just too taxing atm :(. Which is a pity because I'd really love to be able to. I was inspired by stormtrooper 365 to do something with toys daily but I just dont have the time, so I'm sticking to weekends now. That and Photochallenge.org's monthly- week by week challenges are all I can do now on a day to day basis I think.

Anywais Enjoy the final image of the weekend challegne: Shadows!

The Idea was to have shadows involved in the image. Of course something easy, everything makes shadows. But the trick was to make them an important or creative part of the image. I really like how the clone trooper is backlit, but there is enough light seeping in so you can tell what it is (i hope). I'm looking to buy more toys so hopefully those should lead to some interesting pics :D. In the meantime Enjoy!

Longing Clone Trooper

This image was processed entirely in lightroom. I didnt have time to bring it into photoshop, but I think I will try to do so from now onwards, at least for my fave pics, I've noticed I'm still not particularly happy with lightroom sharpening over unsharp mask...or maybe I just dont know how to use it, but I find photoshop holds back grain much better....anyone concur?

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