
For those interested in simply viewing a portfolio of my work it is now located on the home page; http://www.sbalaniphotography.com

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hang Kang!

Firstly I'd like to thank you all for your numerous comments on my Ipad post (ahem ahem!). The input was overwhelming, I simply could not keep up with everything you all had to say! -.-. However I must press on, for those of you suscribed to my flickr you will have enjoyed a healthy dose of these images already. For those that havent here we go!

I was fortunate enough to go to Hong Kong a few weeks back ( I think about 2-3 to date), a city which I absolutely love (although few will trump  the adoration I have for my one true love, London :D). It was a fantabulistic experience! I cherished the oportunity to reconect with old friends, and of course photograph what I could of such a vibrant and busy city. Unfortunately since I was there for other reasons my camera didnt make it out as often as I'd like I did manage to get a series of descent chance shots, so here are some for you all to enjoy! And as you'll notice the flavour's a little different from the last set of Images I took on my previous visit to this city. Oh yes and have I mentioned, I absolutely LOVE shooting with the D300. Its noise reduction capacity for a camera of this level is just mind boggling, I'm no longer afraid to push the envelope to 800 or even over a thousand ISO. I love it! Makes shooting with sub 2.8 lenses that less painful :D

The Gateway

Hong Kong Traffic

More after the jump! (means click the more link if you're on the home page to see the rest of the post :P)

Fading into HK

Bonjour Hong Kong

Armani Lights

1 comment:

Adam said...

"I simply could not keep up with everything you all had to say! -.-."

Obscurity is the first quality of a blogger, we have the freedom to write like nobody's reading :)

Doesn't mean they aren't.

I especially like the traffic shots, the cars illuminate beautifully.