
For those interested in simply viewing a portfolio of my work it is now located on the home page; http://www.sbalaniphotography.com

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Loughborough All Over again

Hello Ladies and gentlemen, i would like to present to you the last remaining pictures of my weekend in loughborough, it was only a few so most of them are here, but the rest can as usual be viewed on my flickr. On another note Thursday marks my return to London, and thus uni. Hopefully I will be able to keep up the habit of daily, or almost daily blogposts, even if i cant keep up with the photos (which once again I hopefully shall). I have a couple of projects already on the horizon ready for me to tackle (which means if i hope to keep up to date i need to get my India pics online ASAP). The projects include a cementary photowalk, and one, possibly two studio shoots (if youre interested in modelling leave me a message! london area only please!) in the comming week, and deffinately more as the year progresses as after some brainstorming my partner and myself have come up with some fashion oriented shoots :). Well enough blabbing on my part, here are some pictures to enjoy! :D

Coffee and WaterRoshni the white nosed reindeer...

My precious!Famous Caffeine

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