SO! Today I decided to try out a new technique i read up online of post processing photos to give them that contrasty darky nitty gritty look, so here ive posted three versions of the photo (the first beeing hte original and the other two variations of the effect). If ever there was an ideal time for all you readers out there to leave comment, this would be the one. Please tell me what you think of the photos, and the different versions, which you prefer and why! PLEAAAAASE! any and all input is VERY MUCH appreciated! thanks!
version 1
version 2
Friday, March 14, 2008
Styles, Styles, Styles
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Facelift!!!! pandamonium arts v.1.5!
Whoa! Check this out ladies and gents! the blog has just undergone its very first Major facelift /upgrade! as ou can see its wider! (oohh! aahh!), more colours (oohs and aahs continue) and a kickass new banner!!! (cheers!), which is due to change about every 2 - 3 weeks from now, so keep your eyes peeled. Also comming soon! my professional website! keep an eye out folks!
Posted by
12:35 AM
Labels: 1.5, Facelift, Pandamonium Arts, Update, Upgrade, Version, Vs
Monday, March 10, 2008
Nido Party Photos and More!
Well! Time for another update! As usual much has happened since my last one! Sent off the photos of Karen David and Imtiaz Ali of to Asian woman! hopefully should yield positive results and a new job for me! :D. Also got to go to the UK Asian Music Awards, Great stuff! got tonns of new tunes to listen to! (only via Youtube atm till i can afford to buy them), and i got to meet all the big wigs! Jay, Juggy, H Dhami etc, and of course I used that oportunity to network! :D (I even got to meet Kulvinder Ghil from Goodness Gracious Me! now THAT was amazing! LOVE that show!)
Now ive been beeing pestered quite a bit for the Nido Party photos, I did give out my card to most people with this adress to check out the photos but it seems if their not on fb their not seen lol, well This post is up on fb, and ive tagged all the nido folk, so now you know where to find the pics :), they WILL be put up on FB soon, when im not overly swamped with work :) since i usually upload pics from uni, and i cant upload to fb from there! Other than that! enjoy! and tell your friends where to find the pics! :) (here's some to satisfy your tastebuds! if you want the rest click here!)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Crazy Times
Chands Armanani-2
Originally uploaded by sbalani
Alas! it seems like forever since I last posted on here, and even longer since I actually wrote! But as the title of this post states, ive had some crazy times these past few weeks, with deadlines, and cwk piling up, ontop of finding a placement for professional practise time becomes a rare comodity. Regarding my professional placement ive got an interview or two here and there, but my most promising outlook at hte moment seems to be Asian Woman magazine. Ive had two trial shoots with them now, photographing rising star Karen David, and Film director Imtiaz Ali, director of Jab We Met. Hopefully AW will like my shots and ill get taken on to do my placement. Unfortunately I cant post up any of the images ive taken on these shoots yet, so you will all have to make do with a couple from this photoshoot I had a few weeks back! Enjoy!
By the way! be sure to check out Karen's myspace at and hear some of her songs! good stuff!
Posted by
12:30 AM