
For those interested in simply viewing a portfolio of my work it is now located on the home page; http://www.sbalaniphotography.com

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Photoshop World Day 1 + Pre Con

As usual its taken me a few too many days to post up a new post since my last one, but life has been a bit crazy as of late.

These last two days have had me end up in Orlando, Florida for the Photoshop World Conference. I can only say....its AMAZING! The number of tutorials and classes ive attended (and its only day 1!) are mind boggling! Tomorrow im expecting it to be even more so.

Yesterday I attended a lecture on Photoshoots, hosted by Canon USA. Today this morning I attended the keynote conference where adobe outlined two amazingly new products.

Photoshop Express: A simplified online version of photoshop
and Lightroom V.2.0 Beta! which is now available for free (for 30 days for non lightroom owners) from the Adobe website. (Review comming soon)

Below are pictures of the conference, and of the photoshop guys during the photoshop user tv live filming (which will air in 2 weeks time according to them)





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