For those interested in simply viewing a portfolio of my work it is now located on the home page; http://www.sbalaniphotography.com
Hey Guys! Alas I know Its taken me a week to get the pics up after the Expo, so! Due to popular demand here they are! Or at least the first half anywais lol. However my regulars will notice a slight change in the format, and that I've uploaded them on photobucket as oposed to flickr. This is to allow the option to download, as many of you know I generally disallow this in regards to my images, however, I'm making an exception with the cosplay pics as Im sure the people downloading them are the ones whose pictures they are of lol. Anywhoo Enough of my rambling! Info on the Expo on my next post!
Also in regards to video of the masquerade, its presently beeing edited (pending the return of my hard drive) and when its done can be found on the upcomming STFU & Get to 80 website!
and the actual album can be accessed here!
The rest of the pics will follow shortly! Indeed there are more!
edit: oops! linked the wrong album! Just fixed it
And so my next post is on one approaching the final days of my trip in Japan :(, which brings a sad, sad glimmer into my heart as I am inmensely enjoying it here, particularly taking in as much as possible of the culture and heritage. But alas a week is not enough time to spend in Tokyo, let alone half the country, but we've maxed out our days, chased Geiko in the rain, chased by hungry deer, (and probably blinded a few with some strobes), broken backs, shoulders and necks with top heavy camera gear, and just been annoying tourists, all in all an extremely worthwhile trip. As mentioned in the previous post I got a chance to visit the Tokyo Fish market and Tokyo tower of which I have managed to find time to process some images between bus naps and taking the wrong trains in between shoots, so here they are for you all to enjoy! :D
Comments, criticisism's and Wow's are much appreciated :D

Hey gang!
Looks like I've just completed another year in the making which leads up to a grand total of 22 years! Huzzah and boy has it been a busy set of weeks. Coupled with a tussle with a bear (a.k.a car accident) and having my arm restricted to a sling, a spiritual conference I attended over the weekend, and a couple of nights out to celebrate my birthday I am absolutely exhausted! Turns out I have managed to slighly dislocate my clavicle bone but not enough to warrant any action, so till it heals I have restricted movement in my arm. In other words I wont be shooting much... at least not till I head off to Japan when I'll go absulutely nuts.
If I havent said so already, I'm leaving for Japan on Monday to attend a course done by the Mentor program with Joe Mcnally (whose book I am excitedly reading), and I'm very excited to see what this will bring. Those who know me know I love all things Japan, and that coupled with tutoring from my fave photographer Joe Mcnally, well this can only be described as photographic heaven for me.
Another exciting aspect to the trip is that since its run by Nikon, the Director has graciously offered to lend me a D300 with a 17-55 and Fisheye Lens which I am excited to compare to what my D40 can do since I've been considering for a while now to make the Jump into Nikons waters.
Gasp you must be saying my fellow Canon users! Well I can only justify myself in saying that although Canon glass is better, this is only true of the L range, which I am a distance away from beeing able to moderately afford, and my specialty lies therein not in exceptionally good glass, but in exceptionally good flash, something which Canon fails to aptly deliver in its flash system, from what I've experienced so far. So hopefully this little experiment will allow me to compare the pictures produced by the two cameras when I'm not working with flash as I wont have any SB's on me.
And so to finally end my rant, here be a few pics i dug up from my archives and recently uploaded for you all to enjoy, as I know its the only thing you people come here for.