So as you know from my previous post, I had the joy of recently working with this lovely lady in a photoshoot, which looks like it may be proving to provide some very promising Images like this next one and I'm just getting started! More to come soon I promise. Its difficult to find time between writing a 12k word dissertation I am extremely behind, and researching and prepping for two movies I will soon have to Direct and D.O.P for..... Oh yeay is the joy of beeing a student...
On another note I have some very interesting news tidbits that I've come accross recently.
- Firstly I've taken the time to update my RSS feed with a variety of blogs from my fave photographers including Joe Mcnally (who has a new book!), Scott Kelby, Strobist and a few others
- Joe Mcnally has a new book! OH JOY! To those of you who have read his previous book the moment it clicks, know the joy of having read what could pretty much be considered his photographic history, taken the joy in analysing his images, reading his wacky stories and just soaking in the value of the inspirational information that this great photographer has to give.
- For those of you who are using off camera strobes, particularly Canon systems know the agonising pain it can be to shoot Manually using pocket wizards or other forms of radio slaves. Wouldnt it be so much simpler if some little techie somewhere decided to invent a system where ETTL information COULD be carried through radio waves? Well feel the pain no more! I have recently discovered the advent of Radio Poppers, nifty little devices that like the pocket wizards, use radio wave's to transmit the flash signal. but not only do they do that, they also transfer ETTL! No more will you have to worry about your flashes having a direct line of sight from your master unit to you slaves, never again will sunlight get in the way of successfully using ETTL! however whilst its still a littel expensive at the moment, I'm eagelry awating the amateur and prosumer version the Radio Popper Jr!
On a further note one of the many meetup groups I have signed up to is doing a london lights night photowalk on the 7th which I am eagerly looking forward too, hope to have new pictures by then!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
News, News, News and....a photo!
Posted by
4:49 AM
Labels: Book, Joe Mcnally, News, Photo, photo gear, Photoblog, Photography, RC Conception, Scott Kelby, Strobist, Tech gear
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Photoshoot today
Had a photoshoot today, after a looooooooooong absence in the studio or any kind of photography! i'm quite happy with the results, here are two samples, more to come after photoshop ^^
Posted by
12:39 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Late breaking news! oh wait...thats from a month ago...
I'm sure all of you London residents remember about a month ago the sudden onslaught of cold joyfully forgotten from our heads by those few glorious hours where we actually had snow! Well of course one of the first things I did was whip out my camera to document said event...I just (as usual) simply forgot to upload the images. Most of them I was unhappy with and feel they are more for my personal blog than my photogrpahy one but none the less I did manage to produce one i'm quite happy with. It almost tells a story even and there is a very...soft feeling to it. Anywhoo here it is for your enjoyment! I have also decided to opt for the photo a day project and pending that i will also be doing the weekly theme project (and as usual I shall begin projects with much vigour! the hard part is of course mantaining that, so any comments or signs of enthusiasm are much appreciated ^^.
Well as promised here is my snow pic
and for those of you interested in following my photo a day project the page can be found here:
enjoy ^^
Posted by
8:45 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
a new project
In light of my recent shooting...or better said lack of theof, I have decided to begin a project where either I will shoot an image a day of ANYTHING or challenge myself weekly with a theme of which I will take pictures of during the week and pic the best 5 to display on the blog. I'm still deciding on which one however any comments or recomendations to either or are greatly appreciated adn your contributions towards my greatness as a world class photographer will be remembered.....when I get there :D
Posted by
1:08 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Yet another week of edits! but not for long!
Why hello again my blog followers! here I am at 3 am editing pics to present you with this weeks blog post, because I know most of you dont even bother to read my blurbs, you're all just here for my pretty pictures lol.
However I would firstly like to announce that This weekend is the guy fawkes fireworks and Mayor's show to which I will be running around with my camera. I have plans for the fireworks, but if any of you fellow photographers out there would like to join me for the mayors show, just give me a shout! I will most probably be joining the London photography meetup group.
Well here is your daily dose of Images fresh out of photoshop. I'm still working on the pictures from the photoshoot in pittsburgh, in between having written my script and dissertation for uni and developing a website for a magazine back home...just for you my loyal readers so I hope you enjoy!
Posted by
3:55 AM