I would just like to wish you all a Happy new year! Although its still 2007 here in Spain, im sure there are parts of the world who have already joyously entered the new year. Now most people take a moment to reflect on the year past, and build resolutions to 2008. Considering my horrible memory ive decided to skip the first part, and gone straight to resolutions and plans for 2008 :).
2008 im hoping, is going to be a hot year for me, lots to look forward to:
- To begin with there are my University placements set to occur sometime in march/april/may (theres a seminar first week of january with those details) during which im hoping to get a job either working in the fields of photography or film (also preferably more than just making coffee)
- Summer aswell looks to be busy as im hoping to work aswell, again either in film or photography
- Pandamonium Arts is possibly looking to come under new management (not really but i am planning to remodel and expand it beyond just a blog, and possibly relocate and rename it, since after much consideration im beggining to think its too long a name to remember....suggestions are very much appreciated :) (that comment box down there is there for a reason!)....also a panda is too difficult to draw XD)
- This also means i'm going to have to get on the ball with Dreamweaver if im hoping to design the site myself :)
So as you can see, on the whole, got quite a few things already planned out at least until the summer ends, dont worry though despite my upcomming busy schedule i will find a way to continuosly make time to update my blog (and perhaps expand my audience).
Also on two last final notes, any visitors looking for advertising space on the site or who wish to use any of my work in any commercial settings please do not hesitate to contact me :)
And finally, to end the year ive decided to change the images im uploading, instead of the usual Diwali photos that im sure youve all been getting bored of, i have decided to upload some portraits from a birthday I attended last night.
as usual Enjoy! :)
Monday, December 31, 2007
Last post of 2007!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Nach Ke Some more!
And once again, yet another installment of Nach Ke Dikha photos are up! :D. Hope you all enjoy them i think with one more installment and that should be the set of diwali photos! On another Brighter note im finally back in Europe from India :D, vacationing in Spain atm at home so i have working internet woohoo! so check back frequently for further updates :) although ill mention it on my msn aswell, here are some samples, and as usual the full collection can be found on the flickr diwali page
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5:07 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Nach Ke Dikha is Back!
Hi again, it seems in an attempt to make up for my lack of posting it seems like im going to have a whole bunch of posts one after the other! lol well, more diwali pictures are up, but at the moment its mostly pictures of the dances, however I have begun to post up pictures of people aswell. Below are some samples, to view any of them in big just click on them, or if you wish to view the full flickr album just click here
Ive taken the liberty to tag all those on my facebook who participated in the dances, and whose pictures i have taken. Although they may not appear here please check my flickr, which is where the majority of the pictures are hosted, if you dont see any including yourself, check back at my next blog post, I still have a lot of pictures that need to be uploaded, but i will be doing them in batches (the curses of indian broadband...). Also if you can get in contact with the people in the pics who havent been tagged (particularly aunties and uncles) please direct them to this blog (www.pandamonium-arts.com for those of you reading this on facebook), or directly to the flickr album, http://www.flickr.com/photos/sbalani//sets/72157603098531329. Thanks so much and dont feel afraid to drop any comments! More to come soon! :)
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4:33 PM
The Electric Guitar
I realise that an update was due from me LOOONG before this (I even promised as such) and to any of my readers out there i beg eternal forgiveness in hopes that some regularity will once again ensue. For those of you who dont know, i have been horrendoulsy busy with coursework the last few weeks (as such is the life of a University student who chooses to procrastinate) to the point where the last two weeks i sat in my room and worked away frantically at my numerous essays and New Media Project (details of the project can be found at http://newmedlab.blogspot.com/). So now that you know why i have ignored my blog and not uploaded anything new, its time to get onto the juicy stuff!, NEW ART! Well for now, to satiate your taste buds as internet traffic slowly begins to make its way back into my blog, i shall leave you with my latest piece of photoshop doodles, the "electric guitar"
I designed it after watching a photoshop tutorial from the fine folk at photoshop user tv.
Oh and one other thing before i head off, i thought i might outline the content of future posts so look forward to the rest of the pics, details and pics from my trip to Loughborough, and the same for my xmas trip here in india. Ill probably also sneak in a post detailing my xmas gifts and their details :D.
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1:46 PM