I would just like to wish you all a Happy new year! Although its still 2007 here in Spain, im sure there are parts of the world who have already joyously entered the new year. Now most people take a moment to reflect on the year past, and build resolutions to 2008. Considering my horrible memory ive decided to skip the first part, and gone straight to resolutions and plans for 2008 :).
2008 im hoping, is going to be a hot year for me, lots to look forward to:
- To begin with there are my University placements set to occur sometime in march/april/may (theres a seminar first week of january with those details) during which im hoping to get a job either working in the fields of photography or film (also preferably more than just making coffee)
- Summer aswell looks to be busy as im hoping to work aswell, again either in film or photography
- Pandamonium Arts is possibly looking to come under new management (not really but i am planning to remodel and expand it beyond just a blog, and possibly relocate and rename it, since after much consideration im beggining to think its too long a name to remember....suggestions are very much appreciated :) (that comment box down there is there for a reason!)....also a panda is too difficult to draw XD)
- This also means i'm going to have to get on the ball with Dreamweaver if im hoping to design the site myself :)
So as you can see, on the whole, got quite a few things already planned out at least until the summer ends, dont worry though despite my upcomming busy schedule i will find a way to continuosly make time to update my blog (and perhaps expand my audience).
Also on two last final notes, any visitors looking for advertising space on the site or who wish to use any of my work in any commercial settings please do not hesitate to contact me :)
And finally, to end the year ive decided to change the images im uploading, instead of the usual Diwali photos that im sure youve all been getting bored of, i have decided to upload some portraits from a birthday I attended last night.
as usual Enjoy! :)
Monday, December 31, 2007
Last post of 2007!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Nach Ke Some more!
And once again, yet another installment of Nach Ke Dikha photos are up! :D. Hope you all enjoy them i think with one more installment and that should be the set of diwali photos! On another Brighter note im finally back in Europe from India :D, vacationing in Spain atm at home so i have working internet woohoo! so check back frequently for further updates :) although ill mention it on my msn aswell, here are some samples, and as usual the full collection can be found on the flickr diwali page
Posted by
5:07 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Nach Ke Dikha is Back!
Hi again, it seems in an attempt to make up for my lack of posting it seems like im going to have a whole bunch of posts one after the other! lol well, more diwali pictures are up, but at the moment its mostly pictures of the dances, however I have begun to post up pictures of people aswell. Below are some samples, to view any of them in big just click on them, or if you wish to view the full flickr album just click here
Ive taken the liberty to tag all those on my facebook who participated in the dances, and whose pictures i have taken. Although they may not appear here please check my flickr, which is where the majority of the pictures are hosted, if you dont see any including yourself, check back at my next blog post, I still have a lot of pictures that need to be uploaded, but i will be doing them in batches (the curses of indian broadband...). Also if you can get in contact with the people in the pics who havent been tagged (particularly aunties and uncles) please direct them to this blog (www.pandamonium-arts.com for those of you reading this on facebook), or directly to the flickr album, http://www.flickr.com/photos/sbalani//sets/72157603098531329. Thanks so much and dont feel afraid to drop any comments! More to come soon! :)
Posted by
4:33 PM
The Electric Guitar
I realise that an update was due from me LOOONG before this (I even promised as such) and to any of my readers out there i beg eternal forgiveness in hopes that some regularity will once again ensue. For those of you who dont know, i have been horrendoulsy busy with coursework the last few weeks (as such is the life of a University student who chooses to procrastinate) to the point where the last two weeks i sat in my room and worked away frantically at my numerous essays and New Media Project (details of the project can be found at http://newmedlab.blogspot.com/). So now that you know why i have ignored my blog and not uploaded anything new, its time to get onto the juicy stuff!, NEW ART! Well for now, to satiate your taste buds as internet traffic slowly begins to make its way back into my blog, i shall leave you with my latest piece of photoshop doodles, the "electric guitar"
I designed it after watching a photoshop tutorial from the fine folk at photoshop user tv.
Oh and one other thing before i head off, i thought i might outline the content of future posts so look forward to the rest of the pics, details and pics from my trip to Loughborough, and the same for my xmas trip here in india. Ill probably also sneak in a post detailing my xmas gifts and their details :D.
Posted by
1:46 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Diwali Ball, Malaga 2007
Dear all,
Firstly I would like to wish you all a Happy Diwali and I hope you all had a fabulous time at the Diwali Ball Last night Saturday 11th of November, 2007. I am currently in the process of Filtering and editing the numerous pictures taken last night of you all, and the Dances. Over the comming days and weeks i will be constantly updating the photos available online as i plough through them as quickly as i can. Please check back here often or suscribe to my RSS feed if you know how (if you dont let me know and ill create a post informing how to do that) to automatically update you when i have made an update as i will create a post for every batch of photos uploaded.
The Current Batch contains photos from the Dances involving Jodi's number 4,5 and 6.
The photos are available for viewing online, however if you wish to purchase prints of the image please contact me detailing which images you would like to purchase. The images are currently running at 4 Euros for a 6 x 4 Print, 5 for a 7x5 print or wallet set (includes four wallet sized prints of the selected image and 7 for a 10 x 8 print. If you wish to have any of the images printed, please contact me via email detailing which images you wish to have printed, and once payment has been arranged they will be promptly shipped to your door (all prices are inclusive of Postage and Packaging), Also if you are ordering several prints a discount can be arranged depending on the number and type of prints beeing orderded.
Once again the price list:
6x4 print 4.00 euros
7x5 print 5.00 euros
wallet set (4 prints) 5.00 euros
10 x 8 7.00 euros
I hope you enjoy the photos, they can be found either by clicking here or on the photo below. Enjoy :)
Posted by
12:16 AM
Labels: Photo, Photographs
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Updates are back!
My its been like FOREVER since i last posted up on here....sigh things have just been chaotic! between moving houses, and uni and horrifiying internet connections and whatnot.... not only have I been unable to post, but ive done little photography too...however! I have done some. My last two shoots are of Diwali on the Square at trafalgar square, and a photoshoot at uni. As usual the full albums can be found on Flickr:
Diwali on the Square
Sad Photoshoot
And if the prospect of the pictures doesnt egg u to click on a link, heres a few, to tempt you further
Posted by
9:18 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
A weekend in Madrid Part 1
Well ive just returned from a wonderfull weekend in Madrid :D. Drove up there for the weekend with my parents Friday morning, and i've just come back last night. Of course as any photographer would i took full advantage to spend a day shooting anything that moved...and things that didnt lol. Well ill be updating with another post further in the day, but for now you can check out the first batch of my madrid images here
Enjoy! :D
Posted by
12:18 PM
Labels: Photo, Photographs
Monday, September 10, 2007
First Glance
First Glance
Originally uploaded by sbalani
Ahh Yes i've finally gotten around to uploading my Images of China. These unfortunately were all taken from my Sony Pocketcam. I was too scared that my SLR wouldnt come back accross the border. Well as you can see this was my first impression of China as i crossed in from Hong Kong. Certainly not what I was expecting thats for sure. Enjoy! you can view the rest of the images by clicking Here
Posted by
8:42 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Feria De Malaga
Its been a while since ive last done a post, something over two weeks i believe...well as usual time catches up to you and i now have a multitude of updates to do, one of which i will try and do everyday till its all uploaded. Today I am going to talk about the Feria De Malaga. Its an annual festival tradition which by my understanding began in 1491 to commenmorate the inclusion of the city under the Castille Crown. Also in 1887 the celebration of the 400th visit of the king to Malaga. Since there has continued to be a celebration in malaga every August, however today it is a representation of the city's personality. Bringing together every aspect of the spanish and andalucian lifestyle. During the day (no pictures unfortunately) People come together on the streets and dance, drink set up performances and of coruse vendors taking advantage and selling all sorts of souvenirs and trinkets. During the night the festivities move to the Feria grounds, where a carnaval has been set up. Here you can find plenty of rides to satisfy even the most daredevil Evel Knievel. Also in the feria there are what is called casetas hosted by the majority of the organizations in Malaga. Caseta's can be all sorts of things, from bars represented by different ethnic and traditional groups hosting performances, to campaigns set up by religious, political and studnet groups to further and express their causes. Finally there is the Area de la juventud, an area of Caseta's set aside for the youth, and set up by various clubs adn radio's to be makeshift clubs. And of course no feria would be complete withought alcohol :).
Thus enough talking and more viewing, below are some of the images i took during Feria
Posted by
11:10 AM
Labels: Photo, Photographs
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Vector Flower
Vector Flower
Originally uploaded by sbalani
One of my first Vector Art illustrations :D not too shabby if i do sayso myself but its obvious i have a LOOOOOOONG road ahead of me lol, but you gotta start somwhere right?
Posted by
7:08 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
More Trivandrum! Sick yet?!
Bathing Crows
Originally uploaded by sbalani
Here are yet some more pictures from my lovely trip to Trivandrum. As you can all see ive been busy busy busy clicking away. This i can easily say was one of my favorate parts of the trip. It was beautiful, peacefull, Serene and my cousin was offering 100 dollars to the first one to throw up on the boat :). Yes all fun.
P.S incase you havent figured it out. The cow in the picture. It goes Moo
Posted by
12:27 AM
Labels: Photo, Photographs
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The Leela Spa Trivandrum
Originally uploaded by sbalani
Well i'm glad to finally say that im home! lol so i can once again regularly update my posts hehehe, i recently put up a picture of my aunt taking over the hotel kitchens, so here are some photos of the resort itself. As usual more on flickr, click the photos to go to my flickr site :)
Posted by
9:54 PM
Labels: Photo, Photographs
Friday, August 10, 2007
My trip to Trivandrum
Originally uploaded by sbalani
Ahhh yes its wedding time again...the time when eveyrone is jolly, colours are colourfull, mosquitos are biting and elephants are.....just beeing elephants. Of course an indian wedding woulndt be one if you didnt have youre aunties comandeering the hotel kitchens, and generally just making a ruckus hehehe, heres a few of the Pictures which ive recently compiled, enjoy :). As usual the rest available in Flickr
P.S sorry for the delay in updating, its been horribly chaotic
P.S felt i should mention in the photo is really my aunt really comandeering hotel kitchens lol
Posted by
11:53 AM
Labels: Photo, Photographs
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
And so...the Panda-Monium Begins
Hi to all! i am a Contemporary Art and Media student, like any other looking to be one day recognized and famous.....or at least rich lol, but for now maybe ill be happy with just beeing hired. As thus a porftolio is incredibly importarnt, which is why i have decided to launch Panda-monium Art, my Art Portal on the web. Right now its a blog...but in the near future i hope to move to a full fledged website which i will begin working right away (as soon as i do some dreamweaver training)
Posted by
11:04 AM